недеља, 30. децембар 2012.

Minimalistic OOTD

Danas sam setala po kalemegdanu sa drugaricom i zelela da se slikam, vreme je bilo predivno i idealno za neke street fashion slike. :)
Kao sto vidte crna boja vlada u ovom autfitu, a ima dana kad stvarno ne znam vise sta da obucem i nisam raspolozena da puno eksperimentisem sa nekim veselijim nijansama kao u prethodnom postu, sto je sigurno sigurno je crno bez kombinacija nikada nece biti promasaj. :)
Ove bez platforme stvarno ne skidam ove jeseni a i zime, zato sto se lako kombinuju i preudobne su. :)

Today i took a walk in most beautiful park in Belgrade called Kalemegdan, with my friend, and i wanted to take some pics, weather was gorgeous and ideal for taking some street fashion pics. :)
As you can see black is dominant colour in this outfit, because there are some days when i really don't know what to wear and im not in the mood to try out some crazy colours, like in previous post. What is certain is certain that the black beige combination will never let you down. :)
And these beige platforms i was wearing whole autumn and winter, cause they are easy to combine with and they are extremely comfortable. :)

I naravno ova leopard print marama se divno uklapa sa crnom bojom, po mom misljenju mislim da sam upotpunila ceo autfit sa njom :)

And of course this leopard print scarf fits perfectly with black colour, and i think that it really pulled out this outfit. :)

P.S. Hvala puno svima koji prate blog :))) <3
P.S. Thank you all for following me :))) <3

четвртак, 20. децембар 2012.

Minty OOTD

  Ovo je jedna slatka girly kombinacija koju sam obukla kada sam isla na rucak sa drugaricama. Kao sto znate siri dzemperi su stvarno in ove sezone, a ja sam upravo ovaj minty dzemper iz H&M-a ukombinovala sa ovom suknjicom i naravno najdivnijim Jeffery Campbell cizmicama.

This is one cute girly combination which i wore when i went to the lunch with girls. As you know oversized sweaters are in this season, and i picked this minty sweater from H&M and combined it with this cute skirt and of course gorgeous Jeffery Campbell boots.


Neon orange clutch torbica je bila tu da utpotpuni kompletnu kombinaciju, a boja laka o kojoj sam pricala u prethodnom postu se super uklopila sa bojom dzempera.

Neon orange clutch was there to fulfill whole combination, and colour of nail polish which i mentioned in previous post fits great with colour of sweater.

 I na kraju imamo ovaj beli sal, koji se stvarno moze nositi uz sve.  Mislim da bi ove zime svaka devojka trebala da ima slican za ove hladne dane. <3 :)

And at the end we have this white scarf, which you can really wear with everything. I think that for this winter every girl should have one like this for these cold days. :) <3

Sal/Scarf- H&M
Cizme/Boots- Jeffery Campbell



среда, 19. децембар 2012.

Pink Madness

Ove slike sam napravila danas sa najboljom drugaricom Ivanom, dok smo se dosadjivale kuci. Odlucila sam da budu malo otkacene i evo ih. :)
Nadam se da vam se svidja sminka i frizura, nesto sto bi meni uvek bilo zanimljivo za slikanje jeste upravo ovo.
Those photos i made today with my best friend Ivana, while we were getting bored at home. I decided  that these pics should be little bit crazy, and there they are. :)
I hope that you like my make up an haircut, this is something whats always interesting for some shooting

I takodje ovakav lak za nokte je stvarno savrsen, ovi mat lakovi su definitivno hit ove sezone, kao i girly collar ogrlice. :)

And also this nail polish is really perfect, those mat nail polishes are definitely must have for this season, and also girly collar necklaces.

недеља, 2. децембар 2012.

Lovely collar...

Ova kombinacija mi je bila u mislima duze vreme. Mantil mi je izvukao svaki stajling ove jeseni, moze bukvalno uz sve da se kombinuje i stvarno je presladak, cim sam ga videla nisam oklevala da ga kupim. 

This combination was in my thoughts for a while. My coat was in centre of staling this fall, i can combine it with literally everything from my closet and its really cute, first time i saw it i had to buy it.

A savrsena kragnica, o njoj nemam puno reci. :) Stvarno je idealna ako zelite da istaknete svoju neznu i devojacku stranu. Cak sam i dobila jedan komentar na taj racun, da me kosuljica vraca u detinjstvo. ^^

And perfect collar, i don`t have so many words about it. :) It`s really ideal if you want to highlight your gentle and girly side. I even got one comment for that, my chemise brings me back to my childhood. ^^

A litas, jeffery campbell? :) Znam da vam se dopadaju, litas sa leve strane su od moje najbolje drugarice i obe bi vam rekle da su ove cizme definitivno must have ove sezone :)

What about litas, Jeffery Campbell? :) I know that you like them, litas from left side are from my best friend and we both would like to say that these boots are definitely must have this fall. :)

Cizme/Shoes-Jeffery Campbell