Na meni ovde vidite ipak malo boja, to su ove platforme koje imaju plavu, zutu, narandzastu i crnu boju. To je moj najmanje nošen par obuće, a kada sam ih videla prosle godine u radnji poludela sam za njima i odmah ih kupila, ali od prošle godine nikako nisam imala snage i ideje kako da ih iznesem i ukombinujem iako sam milila da će to biti lako. Moj stil se nonstop menja kao i ja, toliko volim promene da to nekada ide iz krajnosti u krajnost. Na primer od prosle mnogo elegantne kombinacije do ove totalno mladalačke, vec znate koliko volim sakoe i formalan stil ali to ne znaci da me necete videti i u necemu otkačenom i malo smelijem. Ja iskreno to volim kod sebe, i mislim da svi treba da isprobavamo razne fazone i stilove dok se ne pronadjemo u onome u cemu se stvarno osecamo kao ono sto stvarno jesmo. Znam da ja jos uvek istrazujem ali sam na putu do zakljucka da je moj stil malo ozbiljniji, formalniji i elegentniji!
Kako vi doživljavate sebe vaš stil, da li ste se već pronašli ili još uvek tragate za onim pravim? :)))
Just black, there are some days when im really not so inspired for much experimenting and combining maybe risky colors and patterns, there is no man on earth who at least once in his life didn`t say i don`t have/don`t know what to wear. And when i get into that situation i go for as simple as possible combinations and i always feel the best in them. I would also reccomend it to you, of course that today rules fashion chaos when it`s about combining colors and patterns, mixing trends and so on...and also we are all different and feel good in diferent clothes but sometimes i really think that, that is better to go for something moderately. Do you agree? :)
On me here, you can see some colours on my wedges, there is orange, blue, yellow and black. This is my least worn pair of shoes, but when i saw them last year i had to buy them emediatly, i thought that they will be easy to combine, but its not. My style is chaniging all the time just like i do, i love changes so much that sometimes that goes too far. For example you saw me in previous post in really elegant mood, but today im in very youthful outfit, you already know how much i love blazers and formal style, but that doesn`t mean that you will neve see me in something bit crazy. Honestly i like that character of mine and i think that we all have to research our style untill we find one, im still searching but i thik it will be some elegant and formal style!
How do you percieve youself and you own style, have you already fine one or you are still searching? :)))
Shirt-Time Out
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