Zdravo dragi moji, kao sto vidite nakon takmicenja se cesce oglasavam i prisustvujem raznim modnim dogadjajima, svidja mi se kako se sve odvija i ovi dogadjaji su odlicni. U ovom postu pisem o brunch-u u Koketi na Adi, gde su dizajneri Ivan Dzolic i Lada Dragovic prikazali svoje kolekcije, iskreno su mu se bas svidele, potpuno drugacije ali opet umerene. Sto se tice obe kolekcije stvarno su predobre mogu slobodno da kazem da bi svaki komad i ja sama nosila. :) Samnom su takodje bile i Sonja, Milana, Marija, Loknica, Tijana, Unja je takodje bila ali i plesala.
Hello dears, as you can see after the competition i write more often and i attend a lot of fashion events, i like the direction where everything is going and these events are amazing. In this post i write about fashionbloger brunch at Koketa bar in Belgrade, where designers Ivan Dzolic and Lada Dragovic presented their collections, honestly i liked them tottaly, so different but very moderately. I could say that the both collections are great, and i would wear each of them myself also. :) With me also attended Sonja, Milana, Loknica, Marija, Tijana, Unja was dancing.
Hello dears, as you can see after the competition i write more often and i attend a lot of fashion events, i like the direction where everything is going and these events are amazing. In this post i write about fashionbloger brunch at Koketa bar in Belgrade, where designers Ivan Dzolic and Lada Dragovic presented their collections, honestly i liked them tottaly, so different but very moderately. I could say that the both collections are great, and i would wear each of them myself also. :) With me also attended Sonja, Milana, Loknica, Marija, Tijana, Unja was dancing.
Ivan Dzolic, morate priznati da su ovi dezeni odlicni, meni se mnogo dopada sto je spojio interensantne dezene sa zelenom i crnom, nisam sigurna kako bi to nazvala ali je definitivno drugacije i upecatljivo. S obzirom da me neki komadi odusevljavajua svaki je unikatan, nadam se da cu uskoro i saradjivati sa Ivanom pa cete nesto od ovoga moci da vidite na meni. :))) Njegov sajt mozete posetiti OVDE
Ivan Dzolic, you have to admit that these patterns are amazing, i really like that he put together this interesting patterns with green and black, im not sure how to call that but its definetly diferent and striking. Considering that some of these pieces are amazing and every is unique, i hope that i will cooperate with Ivan soon.
Ivan Dzolic, you have to admit that these patterns are amazing, i really like that he put together this interesting patterns with green and black, im not sure how to call that but its definetly diferent and striking. Considering that some of these pieces are amazing and every is unique, i hope that i will cooperate with Ivan soon.
Ovo je muski deo kolekcije i moje omiljene kreacije :)
This is the male part of collection and my favs.:)
This is the male part of collection and my favs.:)
Inace stvarno volim suknje a ove su me ostavile bez daha, kao i lagane kosuljice, potpuno u mom stilu ali sa pecatom Ivana Dzolica naravno. Moj favorit je zelena haljina. :)))
I really like to ear skirts and these left me breathless, totaly my style but with seal of Ivan Dzolic ofc. My Favourite is green dress. :)))
Lada Dragovic, predivno, zenstveno, mladalacki, pastelne boje, crno bele kombinacije, devojke i ja smo odlepile za ovim prefinjenim kreacijama. :)))
Lada Dragovic, wonderfully, feminine, youthful, pastel colours, back and white combinations, girls and me went crazy for these sophisticated combinations. :)))
Lada Dragovic, wonderfully, feminine, youthful, pastel colours, back and white combinations, girls and me went crazy for these sophisticated combinations. :)))
Ove kombinacije sam izdvojila kao favorite ali i ostatak kolekcije je divan, najvise paznje su mi privulki detalji na prvoj i poslednjoj slici.
These combination i single out but the rest of collection is also great, most of my attention was on lovelly details on the first and last pic.
These combination i single out but the rest of collection is also great, most of my attention was on lovelly details on the first and last pic.
Kreacije Lade Dragovic je upotpunio No Sugar nakit koji mozete poruciti OVDE
Lada Dragovic collection was fulfilled with No Sugar jewlery.
Lada Dragovic collection was fulfilled with No Sugar jewlery.
Takodje smo uzivale i u hrani i koktelima.
We also enjoyed in food and cocktails.
A evo i mog autfita! :)
And here is my outfit! :)
And here is my outfit! :)
<3 <3 <3
sladak i veseo outfit :)
ОдговориИзбришиHvalaa :)))
ИзбришиThat event looks great! You wear a lovely Sunny outfit :)
ОдговориИзбришиtnx soo much :***
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ОдговориИзбришиXOXO, ALEE