среда, 19. децембар 2012.

Pink Madness

Ove slike sam napravila danas sa najboljom drugaricom Ivanom, dok smo se dosadjivale kuci. Odlucila sam da budu malo otkacene i evo ih. :)
Nadam se da vam se svidja sminka i frizura, nesto sto bi meni uvek bilo zanimljivo za slikanje jeste upravo ovo.
Those photos i made today with my best friend Ivana, while we were getting bored at home. I decided  that these pics should be little bit crazy, and there they are. :)
I hope that you like my make up an haircut, this is something whats always interesting for some shooting

I takodje ovakav lak za nokte je stvarno savrsen, ovi mat lakovi su definitivno hit ove sezone, kao i girly collar ogrlice. :)

And also this nail polish is really perfect, those mat nail polishes are definitely must have for this season, and also girly collar necklaces.

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